
ما جادلت أحدا الا تمنيت أن يظهر الله الحق على لسانه - الإمام الشافعي

"Aku tak berdebat dengan seseorang melainkan aku mengharapkan Allah menyatakan kebenaran di atas lisannya" -Imam Syafi'e-

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Nite or Saturday Mornin?

 ooh.. Saturday morning…

After having a cup of coffee, I was thinking of going to jawwazat*, hopefully will get my visa after 3 months being ‘immigrant without permission’

PASSPORT check!!

CASH check!!


MP3 check!!

BOOK (to read while waiting) check!!

Everything set, ciao!!



Still thinking……………….

Are u gonna wait behind 80 students who desperately need their visa’s and willing to kill each others to have it?

True, you’re not gonna wait unless you’re total psycho or whatsoever..better step aside and leave them behind..Besides, my pillow is already missing me and I should not let her down…(miss you too pillow!!)

So long suckers…!

Real fact:

-- I went to immigration office at 8.00 a.m. which is quite late here though I’m not sleep at night.

-- Mama* needs at least 20 minutes to approve each passport.

-- (20mins x 80 passports = it will be great if u try next week..Jerk!!)

*jawwazat= imigresen/pusat rasuah
*Mama= Freak who works there


  1. aiyaa..xpat lg ker???ko ni pon satu..duk sepelaung je pon dtg lambat wat pe?patotnye ko yg tukang amek name x,asik mamat2 indon kat asyir yg tukang amek name..ngeh2..xpe2 try next week ye..moge dmudahkan tuk minggu depan..ameen

  2. dgr cite mama nk kene pecat.. jom celebrate!!
